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The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is a group dedicated to researching Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (often referred to as LENR) while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online. We rely on comments from online contributors to aid us in developing our experiments and contemplating the results. We invite everyone to participate in our discussions, which take place in the comments of our experiment posts. These links can be seen along the right-hand side of this page. Please browse around and give us your feedback. We look forward to seeing you around Quantum Heat.

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Celani very recently made us aware of an outside validation of an older paper of his on "Electrolytic compression of Hydrogen in a hollow Pd cathode".  He is extremely pleased about this validation of this controversial phenomenon that he and Arata had demonstrated.

Here is excellent link to the write up:



Once again, it is heartening to see that a low budget operation can duplicate and validate cutting edge, controversial science and publish it openly on the web.  It really makes me wonder if nano-structured NiCu tubes could be used to create a stream of pressurized hydrogen.  What do you think?


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+6 #3 Giorgio 2014-01-06 12:53
"It really makes me wonder if nano-structured NiCu tubes could be used to create a stream of pressurized hydrogen. What do you think?"

Replacing palladium with an inexpensive Nickel-Copper-C alcium alloy may be an interesting idea.
see patent US4161401 :


" In general, nickel-copper-c alcium alloys according to this invention can contain, in weight percent, from about 5% to about 40% copper, from about 10% to about 14% calcium, and the balance essentially nickel. Preferably, such alloys contain, in weight percent, from about 15% to about 25% copper, from about 10% to about 14% calcium, and the balance essentially nickel."
+3 #2 Giorgio 2014-01-06 12:42
Camillo Franchini believed that electrolytic compression in open cell cannot exceed few bars. To settle the question gsvit group designed and tested an ad-hoc experimental setup:


fusionefredda.wordpress.com/.. ./...

"Non chiedo a Celani di produrre 10000 atmosfere; me ne basterebbero 50 per chiudere questo blog"
"I do not ask Celani to reach 10000 atm; 50 should be enough to close the blog."

see also:
0 #1 GSVIT 2014-01-04 23:52
GSVIT has performed this test just to verify the electrochemical compression method in open cell, not to validate the huge pressure (many thousand of bars or more) claimed by Arata in his patent, therefore we can't confirm any Arata experiment results.

Moreover our test was performed using a standard electrolyte solution of Potassium Carbonate, reaching a pressure of about 86 bar (not the exotic electrolytic solution reported by Celani that reached a lower pressure).

Finally we want to underline very clearly that this our test on electrochemical compression hasn't any relation with Cold Fusion research, or researches based on the Celani wires that MFMP tested from long time so any link attempt is entirely amiss.
Best Regards


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