Here is the live document for replication of potential EVO powered energy generator
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Here is the live document for replication of potential EVO powered energy generator
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Maybe this is not the right place to discuss this, but I'm interested in hearing opinions regarding the nature of the E-Cat SKLep.
I believe we got misled by the Xenon HID ballast on Rossi's desk. It is possible that this was just used as a high-voltage source for the tube from the patent.
Nevertheless, I'm wondering where the light inside the SKLep was coming from. I don't see anything obvious in the patent which would produce such a bright light. Was this just a diversionary tactic to get people off track?
@Bob, replicating SKLep seems to be a lot easier now. Is someone in your circles considering a replication attempt? Do you have any idea what kind of tube Rossi is using or which available tube could be used for a replication attempt? Not sure if it needs to contain the material mentioned in the patent.
There are a lot of bad connections! I have a drawing but can't add it here.
Thanks for sharing. There is a lot of distractions for many.
I have two tranches of work to add. One was inspired by the Paul Koloc 'Plasmak' patent - where RF is used to pre-excite the xenon, making it easier to ignite and another large body of work complete with diagrams and videos producing blue glow in a neon tube.
I will try to add these next week.
I will ask David, he is engaged on other work at the moment.
The proposed reference design would actually make it a lot easier to play with the HID as they use a programmable microcontroller and it seems like even the software for this is available.
Unfortunately it is beyond my capabilities building the reference board they provide in the PDF. I'm not sure if it is possible to purchase one of these boards. I sent them a request.
I'm wondering how far we can get driving the HID in abnormal ways when it is difficult to use it even in a regular way.
Besides that, it would really help if David could share how he did the measurements.
Maybe the negative resistance (=unstable) need to be handled utilising positive feedback
For now, I got this circuit linked below which does the same for 90V DC and seems to work quite well.
However, I still can’t get the HID to stay lit. It starts for a second or so, but then turns off. I tried with PWM frequencies between 200Hz and 2kHz. Only with a duty cycle of 100%, the HID starts. I was expecting to be able to go down with the duty cycle to a few percent in order to reduce the average current through the HID, but as soon as I reduce the duty at the moment the HID ignites, the HID immediately turns off. That happens even for duty cycles of 95% or so.
Currently I’m out of ideas on how to continue. Unless someone has an idea what’s wrong with this setup, I think I give up at this point.
If someone is interested, I can share a simulation file for Microcap (which was a commercial SPICE software and now is free) as well as the Arduino software which uses two potentiometers for controlling frequency and duty cycle and shows these values on a 16x2 LCD (like included in most Arduino starter kits).
Circuit: i.ibb.co/3hG1yDW/Circuit.png
Updated document: docs.google.com/.../...
Btw, is this project dead already? At the beginning there was a lot of back and forth, but is seems like nobody else is still actively working on XENO or nobody is sharing progress.
Thankyou, for this commitment and offer to share - onward together!
The stan gun might be nice for the bulbs without an built-in ignition circuit. I think for my D1S HID it may destroy the internal electronics, not sure. The bug zapper produces only 450V which seems to be enough for the internal igniter circuit.
Currently I'm working on a circuit for running the HID in a controllable way. The circuit will be able to drive the HID with DC or AC and will be controlled with something like an Arduino or any other PWM source. I'm planing on driving the bulb in a regular way as a first step. Once this is working, I'll play with PWM pulses where I control voltage, frequency, pulse width and dead time, like Zack W suggested. I'll share schematics and the Arduino software once ready and in case someone is interested.
Frolov's work is very important and the photoelectric effect is the way to go - we are exploring that in the VEGA experiments.
Thanks for your concept document that I will copy across. Have you been able to take any video yet?
I like the use of the bug zapper - had a number of them in India! I was considering the use of a stun gun which one can buy here in Czech - they have the same HV units you can buy separately but are packaged with battery compartment, switch and electrodes.
and these are pulsed I believe by default.
I will copy the suggestions across.
I have asked David to reach out.
@Bob, thanks for your previous reply.
Since I don’t own expensive laboratory equipment and I don’t want to purchase all of that, I found a budget way to get started with the XENO project. All of that can be purchased on Amazon.
Please have a look here:
@Bob, in case you think this might be helpful for others, feel free to copy the content to the XENO document.
I would need some help with the further setup. I'm able to ignite the bulb, but it stays on only for a couple of seconds. There is additional info in the linked document.
@David Boutilier, I was hoping you could share some details about your setup or provide some suggestions.
1. The boards are stacked on top of each other. Difficult to be sure what was involved, though CAN has done some good work on lead tracing. It could be misdirection of course.
2. One of the boards has a standard Relay covered in black, as does a voltage display on another board. This of course could be also misdirection, however, many engineers and companies cover key components during transport or demonstrations. In this video youtu.be/le4zdLSpgKA?t=193 I show this and it has the capability to switch 30A 250V AC. They can be switched by 5V to 48V depending on model. www.hadex.cz/spec/l597d.pdf. In the Live document, Dave found he could ignite the bulb @135V and minimum was 0.5A at 33V. Need to get schematic and more specifics on that.
3. It could be that the bulb is operated in pulsed mode. The relay has an on/odd minimum of 20ms. If one pulsed the bulb with a 1/16th duty cycle, one would still have an average power consumption of 1W. You would be making and breaking, but given that the EVO emits a lot of light on the way up and has a ‘cool down’ period where it emits light - there could be a smoothing of light output that might not be perceived by the eye or by camera in the same way that people often can’t see the flicker on LED or Fluoro lights. We know from Shoulders designs that it is expected for the EVO to start white and then proceed through grey to black - this is what you want - moreover, it is similar to Hutchison’s pulsed high pressure Projector HID and for the device to run cool you would need to have grey/black EVOs hitting the Anode alongside the stimulated emission of electrons from the 2keV photons from the condensing electrons in the cluster. Only with conversion of Whiter to Black will you get the cooling / cold electricity to drive the Resistor.
4. I think there are 5 units, one on each side of the box and one the box below. 5 x 0.2W = 1W. The step up convertor can take the 5V to required >33V youtu.be/le4zdLSpgKA?t=276 which is then charged into a cap to be dumped at the minimum current of 0.5A in the HID. The input power of 1W from the 12V supply is just for initiation and maintanance. I never suggested that the Solar Panels are driving the resistor, they are just driving the control of the HID pulses, with the whole drive energy and pulse after initiation being isolated. Note the formation of the EVO and the electron condensation producing XUV to 2 keV will yield electrons and ions, some of which will be captured into the EVO, these will then condense producing more XUV to 2 keV which will yield more electrons, rinse repeat - it is a self-sustaining /feeding Townsend avalanche. As this cluster forms it will remain negative at least in part and so will move to the Anode. When it gets there, it will contain far more electrons than were supplied to it in its initiation. Some of the cluster will collapse producing nuclear reactions of the Xe, W and possibly Hg (depending on bulb type) which will add intense thermal energy that will re-constitute the electrons in the part of the cluster that dishevels there. The remainder of the cluster will travel in the wire and as it goes through the wire it will capture thermal energy from the environment to re-constitute the electrons and the 10^5 less ions with the de-cohering electrons becoming normal electrons. Any remaining clusters dishevel in the magnetic field of the reactive resister - which is a coil - becoming normal electrons with normal resistive action possibly leading to the normal thermal heating there claimed to be 100W.
EDIT: NOTE: Dave said "lamp would only ignite if [he] had minimum of 135VDC"
The video is very interesting, again he sees the Yellow observed by Dave.
Post a brief in the comments and the full description in the live document please
I have a couple of questions and I hope I didn’t miss any statement or document answering them already.
In the videos and images about Rossi’s presentation we can clearly see that the HID ballast is not involved in the actual test setup. The ballast is connected to the voltage regulator, but the regulator is not attached anywhere. So assuming that he used some type of Xenon lamp, how did he get this thing to start. Is the assumption that any of the unidentified boards are creating a high voltage?
In the video, when Rossi reconnects the SKLep, we can clearly hear some relay clicking. Is it possible that Rossi uses the large black relay to decouple the high voltage ignition (wherever it comes from) and then switches to the pulsed/linear/w hatever DC or AC low voltage. Can such a relay handle the voltage required to start the HID? Or did he probably use a D1 bulb which may need to lower ignition voltage?
Is it realistic that an automotive HID like a D1 can be run in a way that only 1W is drawn? According to the tests of David Boutilier, the minimum for his bulb was around 16W. Is it realistic that this goes down to 1W once EVOs appear? Or is Rossi maybe using different typed of bulbs like the U shaped one m3sca1 was using?
@Bob, somewhere you shared a link to a PV module which would fit the housing of the SKLep in Rossi’s demo. Assuming that Rossi places 4 of such modules on each side of the box, is it realistic to get an output of 100W? If not, do you think that Rossi just claimed too much power and in fact it’s a lot less, like maybe 25W or do you think he might actually not use PV cells and possibly capture the power directly from the Xenon tube in some way?
Btw, I found this video from someone who is experimenting with starting a Xenon bulb without a ballast. May help someone. It’s in German and Youtube doesn’t recognize all words correctly. If someone needs a better translation of some part, just let me know.
Ok, sorry for being a pain
This is a link to a work by Frolov. I was surprised to find that chapter 17 deals directly with the apparatus I am building. Bob, I have some data and photos on my design. Should I post that in comments or append to live document?
In the case of the flash tube not passing UV - I suggested in response to your old video with a 'UV' diode, that lights/lasers called 'UV' are often double pumped with deep IR being the fundamental frequency and that the IR passes into the tube. The laser you have looks like a violet laser and I had a lower powered less than 70mw violet laser which I tested with a spectrometer last year.
remoteview.substack.com/.../.. .
Click on the spectra images for full-screen shots.
You will see that the 'blue' 405nm violet laser is actually a 810nm IR pumped device. Also you can see on the same blog that a 'UV' fluorescent tube for examining bank notes, has a similar approach to achieve the shorter wavelengths.
Lam, Lo (1983) suggested the use of lasers to cohere nuclei.
Lam, C. S., & Lo, S. Y. (1984). Mechanism for Charge Bunching of Bosons in High-Energy Collisions
Koloc (1973) suggested any form of pre-excitation of an ionisable gas prior to discharge in his PLASMAK (artificial ball lightning) patent.
Patent-Free Way to Make and Control Large Scale EVOs
Meyer used lasers (which would have cohered matter) in his HHO car patent.
Recently at ICCF-23, Jean-Paul Biberian reported transmutation in a replication of Ubaldo Mastromatteo's experiment where D loaded Pd coating on a substrate was exposed to a 5mw 650nm (red) laser.
Interestingly, Vladislav Zhigalov, PhD (Engineering), NRU MIET. Appeared to find that applying a laser in air though magnetised water (Replication of Perovschikov) onto a film cassette with unexposed film in would produce 'birdies' - it is conceivable that you are producing coherent neutral String Vortex Soliton clusters in the moist AIR, that are then pushed in the direction of the laser beam passing into the chamber where they dishevel and interact with the plasma.
Thomas Kaminski had an interesting proposal.
"Actually there are a number of papers on how to do this. I like this one called "Double Blumlein HV Pulse Power Supply"
You could probably replace the spark gap with a fast switch (saturated FET or BJT) for lower voltage. Alternately, use a xenon flash tube.
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