New Fire Forum
We encourage new members to introduce themselves here. Get to know one another and share your interests.
369 Topics | 592 Replies |
Last Post: Looking article comp ...
In this area, we would like users to let us know any way they think they can contribute to ensure the MFMP is a resounding success.
112 Topics | 276 Replies |
Last Post: Are the on-line gamb ...
We have designed the site deliberately simple so that we might ask those of you who have another language to help us localise the content. If you can do a faithful translation of the content keeping the sense of it, then please let us know.
We would ask you to upload into this section your translation as an open document or word *.doc so that it can be openly reviewed before we move to integrate it. This technology should be for everyone and we want everyone to have easy access to the information. |
32 Topics | 58 Replies |
Last Post: Acceptance of paymen ...
Please suggest in here the technology you would like the MFMP to facilitate replication of.
48 Topics | 147 Replies |
Last Post: Payment system
Please suggest in here any respectable organisations you feel are suitable for performing replications.
We aim to have replications in multiple geographies, for example, the Americas, China, India, Japan, South Korea. Where do you think it is vitally important that this effort is undertaken and why. We are aiming for maximum impact |
32 Topics | 61 Replies |
Last Post: What is an electroni ...
There are various technologies being developed. What do you think the world should make a priority of and which New Fire technology do think is appropriate.
17 Topics | 26 Replies |
Last Post: I am looking for a c ...