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The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is a group dedicated to researching Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (often referred to as LENR) while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online. We rely on comments from online contributors to aid us in developing our experiments and contemplating the results. We invite everyone to participate in our discussions, which take place in the comments of our experiment posts. These links can be seen along the right-hand side of this page. Please browse around and give us your feedback. We look forward to seeing you around Quantum Heat.

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TOPIC: A new approach for understanding Cold Fusion

#317 12 years 3 months ago
A new approach for understanding Cold Fusion

SARG's Avatar
Karma: 0
Why the Cold Fusion was considered as a paradigm by main stream science? The problem is in the currently adopted models of Theoretical physics. The Quantum Mechanical models of atoms, based on the Bohr planetary model of hydrogen are mathematical but not physically real. They work only with energy levels and the wavefunctions are not based on the classical electrodynamics. This concern has been a hot debate 80 years ago but not now. Quantum mechanics considers that all elementary particles are spherical without geometrical shape. The pattern of the Periodic table of elements is one indication that the atomic nuclei exhibit a fractal structure, indicating that the proton and neutrons have specific 3D geometry. The scattering experiments are not proof of a small nucleus in order of 10E-15 (m), because they have only an angular but not a transverse resolution and the data are interpreted on the assumption that the nucleus is spherical. Nucleus made of fractal structure could be much larger and could provide the same scattering data. Proton and neutron may not be spherical but twisted and folded torus respectively and this shows excellent match to the pattern of the Periodic table. If the nucleus is in order of 10E-15 (m), a simple calculation shows that the Coulomb forces become so strong at this range that millions of degrees are needed for overcoming the Coulomb barrier. However, if the nuclei formed of fractal structures are much larger, not only the Coulomb barrier is much lower but the knowledge of the physical shape and orientation are very helpful for selection of proper elements for cold fusion.
See the popular articles in www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/author/stoyan-sarg/ that have links to the scientific article in vixra.org/abs/1112.0043
The link to the video is a record from a report at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, 20-23 June 2012, Boulder, CO, USA, with the motto: Bonfire on Paradigm
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#381 12 years 2 months ago
A new approach for understanding Cold Fusion

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
Hi Sarg,

In the spirit of openness we are making contact with you here first as that is how you contacted us first. We fully appreciate that when one is carrying out study at the bleeding edge it is often difficult to find open minds to develop theories and experiments with.

We have bought and partially read your treatise and watched your on-line videos. I think you have some really great ideas on the structure and geometrical configuration of both matter and the ether and we would love you to come on board on the theoretical side of LENR at MFMP to join the likes of Celani and Edmond Storms if possible.

Whilst undertaking this endeavour, we have stumbled across a new way of doing science that we feel is engaging and inclusive to all. We call it Live Open Science and we want to extend the concept into other under-explored potentially ground breaking technologies.

I was shocked to see that your video demonstrating your predicted "Gravito-inertial propulsion" system as a physical working mockup has had less than 2000 views on youtube in over 4 years and realising its potential we would like to consider it for a future LOS project. A super LOS website would link to the MFMP and this project as it would link to other projects.

As professor Celani has done, we would need your close cooperation to make the project a success. Just as Celani has IP in the manufacture of his wire, so, I imagine, do you in the structure of your set up. Regardless, the open exploration of your concept could rapidly accelerate both development and awareness of it. Additionally, as professor Celani noted in the most recent video on our site, LOS stops a great idea from being able to be crushed and spreads the learning far and wide.

We could for instance aim to develop a replication of the device for shipping to interested universities around the world for further study as we are doing for the MFMP. In the process of study, we would be able to create clear and informative videos that would be accessible for all.

The idea of an LENR powered gravito-inertial propulsion system based vehicle is very appealing to us.

We look forward to your earliest response.
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#383 12 years 2 months ago
A new approach for understanding Cold Fusion

RonB's Avatar
Karma: 1
Very interesting ideas! The videos you've made are also very interesting. Welcome aboard.
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