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TOPIC: Resonance Engineering

#867 10 years 9 months ago
Resonance Engineering

Greenyer's Avatar
Karma: 0
Hi all, I have some skills and would apply them from time to time
skills are in
Mechanical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Resonance Engineering
Theoretical Physics

had a brief word with Bob and he has summarized some current issues, though have not studied any background as don't want too much coloration on any inspiration that may come to mind... will research as the path of design necessitates

To catalyzes a transmutation one needs every trick in the book to open up the transmutation path by operating in the right "energy frequency band" the multiverse is a resonance engine and everything affects everything else depending on its "frequency" and its phase principally constructed of inter-playing one dimensional loops (enough)

so i'm firstly considering the shape of the reaction chamber being a resonant cavity with favorable anti-nodes aiding nuclear catalyzastion assisted with electromagnetic stimulation

I like the idea to work at low pressures as it effectively lowers the RF frequencies required to assist mutation

we will still need to use the very highest frequencies available though it will make them more effective

as it relates to the shape and size of a resonant cavity reaction chamber.....any stimulation sine wave frequencies should be a useful geometrical harmonic of the Planck wavelength which is theorized to be 10*-34cm

.....to this end, if the electromagnetic radiation could be, tuned coherent Gama rays, generated by the nuclear mutation then it would make EM stimulation more effective however in a suitably high Q cavity, RF in the microwave region could add to the catalytic effect getting the fire started

Using multiple even and odd harmonics in the RF frequency in 3 physical dimensions to create a resonant Saw tooth 3D anti-node reaction domain may be a target approach

will do some studies in FEM to see if there are any interesting geometries the reaction chamber could exploit..

Thinking we could use Carbon Fiber composite to form the reaction domains as it is strong and contains Hydrogen and relatively easy to fabricate.... it could also take the heat away efficiently from the nickle or titanium metal with a coolant so allowing for higher temperature operations

It might also form the resonant cavity chamber ....

It also maybe possible to use the inside surface of the reaction chamber as the active reaction domain instead of electrodes or powders inside the center of a chamber... this would allow for easy heat extraction and measurement.... again will look for a suitable resonant shape that would offer the strength for vacuum and anti-node inner surface

another thought ... if the nano nickle or titanium powder is suspended in graphine or nano tubes it would allow for much higher temperature operation

processing of the reaction metals might be minimized

all good fun
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