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TOPIC: Simplified demonstration of excess heat?

#49 12 years 3 months ago
Simplified demonstration of excess heat?

Jim's Avatar
Karma: 0
Possible idea for demonstrating excess heat.

This depends on whether the Celani reactor with Ni/Hi continues to generate excess heat (compared to Ni/He) after the driver current is removed.

If so, then it might be possible to
> attach a thermo-electric converter to the reactor,
> run the output current from that through a very simple circuit that cut off output once the thermo electric current fell below a certain level,
> use the output current from that circuit to power an LED, and
> time how long the LED is illuminated after the reactor driver current is cut.

Compare results between the Ni/He and Ni/Hi setup. Expect to the the LED illuminated on the Ni/Hi setup longer than on the Ni/He setup.

The benefit is that it is more tangible to the public and eliminates the complexity of the software.

Not a substitute, but a compliment to, the full test setup.

As is probably known, the measurement circuits and software needs to be as rigorously audited as the reactor; this is doable but not necessarily simple, particularly for the software.
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#54 12 years 3 months ago
Simplified demonstration of excess heat?

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
Thank you for your great suggestion. We need to think about how any thermal collector might influence convection and radiative effects and also how there will be potential location variance between active and non-active wires. we will think on these problems.

We intend to have the experiments monitored by live webcams that will upload a shot of the experiments every 10s and i agree - if we could make a life after death experiment addition like this it will be very simple to understand.

A similar approach though could be to supply an IR camera with each experiment distributed, and live publish the camera samples every 10 seconds or so. This would be no contact and effectively create the same result without the contact issues. It will be easier to engineer, very difficult to challenge, but pricier!

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