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TOPIC: Three point measurement

#449 12 years 3 weeks ago
Three point measurement

QHtrayeux's Avatar
Karma: 0
My suggestion is: to enclose three cells in three equally built boxes A,B,C with an exit pipe on each to measure the temperature. Boxes A and B have a calibration wire and the middle box C has a Celani wire. Input air for the tree units is from the same source/temperature and they should not be able to warm up the neighbour. If running in parallel then cell A and B should have the same measurements and any difference with cell
C is the excess heat?
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#450 12 years 3 weeks ago
Three point measurement

jdk's Avatar
Karma: 0
It depends on the margin of "zero" measurement errors and the size of the effect we want to measure. At the beginning of the experiment, we are not sure exactly how much heat our LENR device will make. We don't yet know how to optimize the conditions. Will we see micro-watts or mega-watts? Or no effect? If we see milliwatts of reaction, how can we confidently say we have found it? Look at the error potentials in all of the measurement channels. Can unknown (to us)chemical effects be happening? How do we run the control? What if we only have a few milliwatts of heat? This is a really difficult experiment.

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#457 12 years 3 weeks ago
Three point measurement

jdk's Avatar
Karma: 0
The three point technique might work if all three cells remain in a static condition. The Celani wire may be chemically active. It could be a catalytically active generator of atomic hydrogen. The atomic hydrogen is a much better conductor of heat than molecular hydrogen. Thus, more heat will be conducted to the outside of the box, while the interior cools. The outer temperature will increase, but there will be no actual generation of extra heat. The increased surface temperature will persist as long as the atomic hydrogen is being generated. (it quickly reacts with itself to reform hydrogen.) Atomic hydrogen is notoriously difficult to measure. It is highly magnetic while H2 is not, and this may provide a path to create a real time assay. Oxygen is also slightly magnetic and is frequently measured using magnetic techniques. The probability is "high" that H1 is being generated (~50%), in my opinion.

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#458 12 years 3 weeks ago
Three point measurement

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
This is why the Celani V2 protocol is far better. It is calibrated and assessed with no gas - so no convection/conduction in gas in the debate.

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#1011 3 years 9 months ago
Three point measurement

lasting's Avatar
Karma: 0
I completely resolved my question when I read this post, thanks to the author for the very detailed description. I wrote my review on the https://cvwritingservicesuk.com/cv-writers-org-uk-review/, you can go in and read. Thank you very much for your attention in your time.
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