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The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is a group dedicated to researching Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (often referred to as LENR) while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online. We rely on comments from online contributors to aid us in developing our experiments and contemplating the results. We invite everyone to participate in our discussions, which take place in the comments of our experiment posts. These links can be seen along the right-hand side of this page. Please browse around and give us your feedback. We look forward to seeing you around Quantum Heat.

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Way back in April, an email was sent by Bob to Francesco Celani requesting some clarifications about the use of acetone and secondly, the potential for ionising radiation to play a role in H2 disassociation and triggering of the condensed matter.

Hi Francesco,

Thank you for arranging to share this information with us.

We will need to know the procedure and timing for adding the acetone in our

protocol and it would help if you can suggest ways to effectively add it into our cells as we should probably make this part of our major experiment we are currently undertaking. 

Do you have any suggested mechanisms for how Acetone is helping the LENR effect?

- Adsorption based catalytic effect?
- Dissociation to H+ and H- / more easy than H20 or H2?
- Carbon deposition related effect?
- ?

Also do you have any opinions about using Potassium compounds such as Potassium Titanate, Potassium Carbonate, Potassium Hydroxide. I have been thinking that the 40K decay processes, whilst small, might assist in triggering Ni+H LENR. In the HUG concentric calorimeter, we could pack the spare cell capacity with Potassium Titanate powder which has a melting point of 1150 degrees C so it would remain Homogenous allowing both Acetone and H2 access to the wire / nano structures. Do you think this direction of investigation has merit?


Bob Greenyer

Celani replied

Dear Bob,

I think that it CAN BE another PARALLEL channel of reaction, due to Carbon
Moreover, the deposit has a dendritic aspect, similar to submicron
More work is needed to clarify the effect.

* About K_40 effect, it can be usefull/interesting.

* Just remember that in our "old" chemical treatments (over Pd and Ni
wires) we added also several layers (usually 50) of Th(NO3)4 liquid salts.
Among others we selected Th_232 because its energetic  (4.081 MeV) alfa
emission and low energy gamma (59 and 124keV). Both acting at short range,
specially alfa.

* Anyway, the K_40 has beta- (1311 keV), beta+ and EC (1505 keV) and the
"famous" gamma ray at 1460.8keV.

* Let me know the results.


Then last night, Stoyan Sarg made contact and asked us if we might post the piece below for discussion

The notion of using potassium compounds has been presented to him, however, he replied "From my theoretical point of view the potassium could not be a suitable."

Does anyone out there have any better ideas?

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+1 #3 Edwin Pell 2013-10-31 21:13
I also have been unable to buy deuterium. They only want to sell to big universities.

I bet you can buy it in India.
+1 #2 Malachi Heder 2013-10-30 14:26
@ Ron B

That could be worth a look. We've also been thinking about a K:Fe2O3 catalyst to throw in with Ni powder.

@ All

Does anyone have the correct paper requirements to purchase deuterium? Or does anyone know someone who could? We are running into issues when looking to purchase small amounts of this gas.
+1 #1 Ron B 2013-10-26 14:42
Is there any reason to believe that Thorium oxide might be worth a try? It is an FCC crystal structure that might be very compatible with Ni and is highly reactive to hydrogen.

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