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How to Characterize a Calorimeter

Scritto da Ryan Hunt on .

Calorimetry is key to getting an accurate measurement of power out of a LENR test.  Ideally we will soon need little or no formal caolorimetry to know that a LENR heat source is producing well, but today, for research purposes, we need precise and accurate calorimeters.  It sounds easy, but it is deceptively subtle and difficult.  There are many approaches.  Every approach has drawbacks and no calorimeter is perfect.  How, then, do we rate a calorimeter?  How can you compare one to another?  What procedures and guidelines should one use to test a calorimeter?

Well, we intend to answer that question and write up some guidelines, and you can help.  Feel free to review, post suggestions, or help edit.  Your help will be greatly appreciated.


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0 #1 john king 2014-01-07 23:26
The thermal flow path needs to be constant for the calilbration system to work as hoped. In the HUG designs, the flow path is usually a path of gaseous H2. It is assumed that the path is always the same and therefore the calibration curves will work. What happens if there is chemistry in the path? How did we stop any chemistry from happening? The heat flow through a mixture of gases varies with the weighted average of the thermal conductivities of the individual components of the gas mixture. If we create atomic hydrogen or oxygen or whatever? , the thermal conductivity will change. Atomic hydrogen conducts better than molecular H2 which is better than H2O which is better than O2 and CO2 etc etc. This will distort the calibration data since the changing flow of heat will change the outer cell temperatures and change the cylinder inner gas temperatures. Most calorimetry is done in devices with constant thermal conductivity. A way around the uncertainty of variable gas compositions is to use AC techniques. Here, a small calibrated probing heat input is added to a large constant heat input. (for example: 30W DC + 1 W @0.1 hz AC). The output voltage will no longer be constant, but will now have a 0.1 hz component superimposed which will reflect in real time any changes in gas composition (thermal conductivity ) . By carefully measuring the amplitude of the 0.1 hz sine wave, this will provide a continuous calibration which will be dependent on any thermal changes in the rest of the system. The signal can be extracted and measured using quadrature techniques.

