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Swagelok Leak test HQ - Parkhomov style

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Swagelok Leak test HQ - Parkhomov style []=Project Dog Bone=[] This recording made with ManyCam software is the highest quality composite stream video we have of the first Swagelok leak test that we did. We have some more FHD 50FPS footage that we will post seperately. NOTE: whilst the Youtube Livestream has a better sync on audio, this is far better quality overall. You can see the full youtube recording of the live stream here: http://youtu.be/eP9l356ymg8 In this video, members of the team discuss the experiments of the evening and a little of those conducted during the same day. Alan Goldwater describes the experiments that lead to his inspiration to build this experiment and its implications. You can see some of this work here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz7lTfqkED9WYUhFZDJhNjRVTm8/view?usp=sharing The video also shows in realtime how the layout was set up in ManyCam for the live stream of the SiC based fuelled reactor core test. Other as-recorded uncut videos in this series and screen grabs can be found here: ALL VIDEOS ARE CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION LICENCE https://drive.google.com/drive/#folders/0B9qCtGOFmvhmZENpZERPMmJTOFE/0B9qCtGOFmvhmZnNlS2Rkd0lDS28/0Bz7lTfqkED9WflV6bldvekhHSGdTcVhBZmlZOGhKWTh2NklRelY3b3gteFRQSlZ6TERkWms