First Helium Calibration
First Automated Calibration is done (finally). Attached are the graphs from it. Next we are upping the power to stress test to 400C but we have to let out a little helium first so we don't over pressure.
Then we'll replace that cell with the second one and stress test and then calibrate it.
The automated power supply changed the voltage to the cell according to a script. The data collector logged the power and temperatures, resulting in this raw data graph over time. Automating the calibration will make replications easier and more consistent.

When we plot the various temperature sensors versus power input we get several nice curves.

We took the T_well sensor (inside a thermowell running through the center of the test cell) and plotted just that one and did a curve fit, next. While the Helium tests are only for practice, the second order approximation we derive from similar tests in Hydrogen will be used to calculate excess heat.