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Canadian, 64 year old kid


Skip has great interest in Cold Fusion. Before joining us, he was doing related homework online and some hobby level experiments with electrolytic cells. But he wanted more. He followed us, he contacted us, he came for a month, he learned. He returned for a couple more weeks. He plans to return again this winter. He says he is far from qualified for the theoretical end, but he is enthusiastic to learn, have a fun and feel useful. So he did at HUG.

He has large variety of practical experiences gained through jobs in many fields, from audio/video operator/technician, electronic technician, commercial photographer/darkroom technician (back in the film days), security systems design, Apple/IBM technician/Apple dealer, journeyman electrician, commercial diver, fireman. Most recently, as a special effect technician. Brave enough to blow things up and extinguish them - just the right abilities for sparking the Sparky cell and the New fire.

As a single, retired father of 2 independent girls in their 20s, he combines his interest in research, with long distance motorcycle touring, RVing in Mexico and whatever strikes his interest impulsively.

Disappointed with the limited global progress in the field of clean energy to date, he wants to make a difference for mankind. That's why he came.

Updates from his first stay: Skip adding volunteer muscle

Updates from his second stay: Building Sparky cell video


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