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D B Day

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On a chilly winters day in Worthing, the UK town where Martin Fleischmann came to live having left Czech, was there a sign that the next 24 hour is D B Day? "See a penny, pick it up, all day long, have good luck"

Live Dog Bone Test

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live experiment based on the Lugano hot cat test and the Parkhumov test

[]=Project Dog Bone=[] - 1st live test

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More data here: https://www.evernote.com/pub/marpooties/projectdogbone#st=p&n=aed52c69-a659-4fc6-8744-9fdcdf95660c Comment here: http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/en/experiements/active-experiments/pdb

Overview of the first "fat coils"

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[]=Project Dog Bone=[] These coils made by KERFA in Germany have around 23 loops, the heater section is approximately 200mm, the leads 150mm. The wire diameter is approximately 20mm. They are rated to a little over 900W and must be driven at 11.5V. The are made from an alloy principally containing Iron and Chrome.

Unpacking of the first "fat coils"

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NOTE: Bad sound! []=Project Dog Bone=[] These coils made by KERFA in Germany have around 23 loops, the heater section is approximately 200mm, the leads 150mm. The wire diameter is approximately 20mm. They are rated to a little over 900W and must be driven at 11.5V. The are made from an alloy principally containing Iron and Chrome.

Heating test cast 2 Dog Bone to 1200ºC

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[]=Project Dog Bone=[] This short video shows Ryan opening the door to the HUG furnace that is heating the 2nd attempted casting of a Dog Bone reactor

Construction of potential Project Dog Bone core - needs marrow

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Here is a discussion on a possible design for the Project Dog Bone core Useful links http://www.morgantechnicalceramics.com/materials/alumina-al203/98-alumina http://www.microcertec.com/fiche-produits-en-52-ceramic-to-metal-brazed-assemblies.html http://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=1079 http://www.fortafix.com/2-part-chemical-sets.html http://www.geocorpinc.com/products/protection-tubes/

Sparky Assembly

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Skip made a great work on the Sparky Powder Cell during his second visit. Got all the parts, made the needed pieces and assembled and glued them together with the helping Lenka's hands and observed by Ryan's spy eye. You can follow the procedure of making inner cell, guided with his brilliant storytelling voice.

Powder Replacement

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In this video we hope you can really feel part of the excellent work being undertaken at HUG. Malachi is at the forefront of swapping out the dummy large particle powder used for the trial run/characterisation of the cell with the Quantum Sphere Inc 10nm powder. He is ably supported by Angie and Ryan. Note the careful use of an argon glove box and other extreme precautions.