How MFMP knows it is safe to go to ICCF20
Brendan Madden of American School in Japan demonstrates why he knows it is completely safe to attend ICCF20 in Japan.
Citizen science at its best - as the MFMP does its homework for the coming ICCF20 - we just thought it would be useful to check that the radiation levels were safe for delegates in Sendai - and guess what - they are no more than background.
Turns out that you are at more risk on an airplane than at ICCF20 - yay to cosmic rays!
The SafeCast uses an LND7317 - the exact same excellent and sensitive Geiger Muller tube we used in *GlowStick* 5.3 experiment.
To see the visualisation of the data from SafeCast around the Fukashima fallout zone, go here