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The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is a group dedicated to researching Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (often referred to as LENR) while sharing all procedures, data, and results openly online. We rely on comments from online contributors to aid us in developing our experiments and contemplating the results. We invite everyone to participate in our discussions, which take place in the comments of our experiment posts. These links can be seen along the right-hand side of this page. Please browse around and give us your feedback. We look forward to seeing you around Quantum Heat.

Join us and become part of the project. Become one of the active commenters, who question our work and suggest next steps.

Or, if you are an experimenter, talk to us about becoming an affiliated lab and doing your work in a Live Open Science manner.

MFMP member Mathieu Valat has been awarded a share in the Antonio Meneghetti, Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation's physics prize for the work that he is undertaking to advance the concepts of Live Open Science via its application to LENR research.

We understand that both the concept of Live Open Science and the notion of moving towards a solution to the worlds energy problems are in-line with the concepts of Onto-psychology and we thank the foundation's international committee for recognising that.

We had been struggling to conduct our planned research, with only a few hundred dollars in donations in the last three months, things were looking a little tough. The prize money - of around $10,000, will help Mathieu to run his lab this year and to allow us, as a group, to further the concepts of Live Open Science with a view to bringing its benefits to other fields of research.

We must first thank Francesco Celani for being instrumental in helping this whole project to get underway by allowing his technology to be tested. We thank him again for suggesting we apply for this award, though extremely challenging to apply for, requiring understanding of Onto-psychology, it has had a positive outcome.


This is an important moment for the MFMP as we have applied for 4 other grants/awards in the past 9 months, some of which took great effort, without success.

Onwards and Upwards!

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0 #16 kenko1 2014-11-08 15:41
Where is a link to the r=cat replication project?
+4 #15 Robert Greenyer 2014-06-27 23:05
@Paul Maher

Science is an iterative process of test, observe, analyse, challenge repeat ... until only consistency remains.

LENR is unbelievably multidisciplina ry, here at the MFMP we are testing the claims of others, ideally with their support and all can get involved with the process, no one need sit on the sidelines.

Even when a technology is proven, real products can take extreme ingenuity, massive human and capital resources to distill into a useable product as anyone that knows the process will attest to.

The great thing is that humans right now want better access to clean energy solutions and the more active research done on a range of competing threads the better.

The volunteers, donors, collaborators, contributors and supporters of our efforts are trying to help make this particular thread valid or invalid, the truth is the important outcome.
+1 #14 Paul Maher 2014-06-26 22:17
Hello, I have spent the last couple of years studying the progress or lack thereof in the world of LENR. What's the major malfunction? Why no product? Not so much as a hand warmer. What's up with that? Is it the growing list of competing technologies that have grown out of Nanotechnology and Condensed Matter Physics that are holding off the introduction of LENR product? Things like Photoswitching, Thermionics, Dense Plasma Focus, Optical Rectification, Zero Point Energy,and the wonderful things that they are doing with Graphene are also contenders for new sources of energy as well, are they not? What about the Bloom Box and other sorts of Fuel Cells? There are so many things on the table right now that it leaves me wondering what the final outcome will be.
Are we just going to continue stumbling along, or is there any real hope for the future?
+4 #13 David Linebarger 2014-06-19 16:30
Congratulations to MFMP you guys are the best. I'm so glad to hear the good news. And wish you guys the best going forward. You guys are going to put frontier science and fringe science in a new light that is more respected. Thanks again to all you.
+4 #12 clovis 2014-06-18 23:12
yep, well deserved Mathieu, and the whole team, boy' you guys are good, happy, happy, happy,.
+4 #11 Daniel Telfer 2014-06-18 09:04
Thanks to Mathieu and everyone helping with MFMP.
+4 #10 Kapytanhook 2014-06-18 08:46
Grats, very deserved Mathieu!
+3 #9 Frank Acland 2014-06-18 01:15
That's great news -- congratulations to Mathieu and the MFMP team. A great boost to you all, I am sure.
+2 #8 Ryan Hunt 2014-06-17 21:38
Ecco is a lot like a member of our team, for sure. Showing up and participating is what makes a team member.
-1 #7 Zeddicus Zul Zorande 2014-06-17 20:45
Hi Ecco,

You are not to me and I doubt you are to the others :)

You fully participate in the experiments when you study the data, come up with new ideas and are expending considerable time and effort in this project. I say that makes you a big and valuable contributor and in my view also a scientist.
0 #6 Ecco 2014-06-17 20:31
After googling "onto-psycholog y" and "Antonio Meneghetti" I was unsure whether to comment or not, but it's still a good achievement and great news nevertheless: the grant will certainly turn out useful for Mathieu and the MFMP.

@Zeddicus Zul Zorande: I'm really not much more than an armchair commenter, though.
0 #5 Zeddicus Zul Zorande 2014-06-17 20:25
An award long overdue and well deserved!

I admire you guys deeply for the amount of personal time and sacrifices you have to make for something you believe in with, as yet, so little recognition. Though I have no doubt what you are doing is *real* science and a model for future (young) and independent scientists. It is what the, in some ways quite narrow-minded scientific community needs in order to investigate the extraordinary which would otherwise not be questioned and therefore missed as possible benefit to mankind.

So with a deep bow I salute the real scientists!
(and that specifically includes Ecco and the other great contributors to the project)
0 #4 Robert Greenyer 2014-06-17 16:21
Thanks James!

One time we basically got a flat out rejection of our application for grants because of what we were researching - we hope the tide is turning.
0 #3 Ryan Hunt 2014-06-17 16:15
Rock on!
0 #2 Mathieu Valat 2014-06-17 16:09
0 #1 James Bryant 2014-06-17 14:08
Congratulations . I'll have a beer, maybe two, to Mathieu this afternoon.

Here is your generous contributions so far towards our $500,000 target, thanks everyone! : $45,020   Please Donate
See the current state of our booked costs here