Ryan Hunt
American, 39 years old
R&D Manager at Hunt Utilities Group
Bachelors in Chemistry and Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Ryan manages a multi-disciplinary engineering and entrepreneurial team working on high performance buildings, combining ancient building technologies with modern engineering, energy conservation, solar heating, and geothermal coupling. Located on the Hunt Utilities Group (HUG) Resilient Living Research Campus in Pine River, Minnesota, the team has a proven history of turning arcane technical concepts into successful businesses.
For the last year and a half Ryan and team have pursued LENR research, performing experiments, and developing related skills and an instrumentation system.
In 2005, he helped found, engineer, and start up a small biodiesel plant using waste cooking oil feedstock.
Ryan is also a long time board member of Happy Dancing Turtle, a not for profit organization working for Food and Water Security, Energy Conservation, and Ecological Stewardship.