Cosmic Ray Finder - A muon spotter?
Visualisation of cosmic ray
This video is an attempt to make the event observed in the calibration of our "cosmic ray finder" clearer to visualise.
A FHD version of the actual visualisation used to create the above video can be downloaded from here
How to determine what is a MUON track...
More effective visualisation of 'cosmic ray finder' events...
In preparation for GS 5.5, where we will be attempting to create ultra dense hydrogen, we are building a lead housing for our 'muon' detector to cut 'worms' caused by compton scattering, the idea being that only muon will remain and if we see any, we have a visualisation ready to help us understand the dynamics of the events.
In this visualisation a perspective camera has been used with a mesh that is double sided so we can see form and structure of the displacement.
Muon detector lead shielding...
As per the findings of Don Groom, we have positioned the muon detector (blinded Logitech webcam) into a 1cm lead lined box - which means, if we ever see something, it will most likely be a cosmogenic muon or something from our reactor!
I have written a cosmic ray app for the iPhone. I did a PhD on the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory.
Cover the camera with black tape. Plug phone into power. Start the app. Go to bed. Wake up and 'Show Top' to see some nice events. Remember that most events are straight through so look like nice bright dots. iPhone 5 and 6 work best.
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