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TOPIC: Pressure

#488 11 years 9 months ago

Sparky's Avatar
Karma: 1

I have been reading through the earlier notes on Calibration and Test Run Plan. It states that a mix of 25% Argon to 75% Hydrogen was the recommended gas mixture.
We need to be specific in referring to the pressure. It appears to me that bar absolute and bar gauge have been used in the same sentence without reference or clarification.
(1 atm = 1.01325 bar) at sea level and 20 deg C,
3.5 bar (gauge) is 4.51325 bar (absolute).
When pulling a vacuum down to 0.000013 bara, then adding Argon to 0.875 barg and topping up with Hydrogen to 3.5 barg - the actual mix is much higher than 25% Argon.

The span is therefore 4.51325-0.000013 = 4.513237 bar

If we top the cell up to 0.875 barg with Argon we have actually added
[(1-0.000013) + 0.875] = 1.874987 bar

the percentage Argon is therefore:- (1.874987 / 4.513237) x 100 = 41.54%

I later read that Piantelli had noted that Argon was an LENR killer. If the USA were using Argon as described in the calibration document - then this may explain their difficulty in obtaining LENR.

In conclusion, we need to specify barg (bar gauge); when referencing pressure gauge or transmitter readings and bara (bar absolute); when using special equipment - such as vacuum instrumentation.



PS. I posted this in a different topic originally - but the heading was mis-leading in respect to what I had to say.
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#489 11 years 9 months ago

bob's Avatar
Karma: 14
We are only going to be using Hydrogen in the V2 protocol. We may use Argon to "kill" or impair the active wire.

Mathieu has just published a blog entry on the experiment setup he is preparing in France. There is a vacuum gauge, you will be able to question him on specifics in the comments section but I understand he will be producing a video tour of the cell in the next day or two.

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